Crossroads Animal Hospital
Offering 24/7 Walk-In Emergency Care
From routine checkups to long-term care, our team is here when you need us. For pet emergencies, simply come to our clinic and one of our experienced veterinarians will be ready to assist you. If you have additional questions please contact us by phone or email at any time.
Also, to stay up-to-date with every news, please like us on Facebook.
(219) 319-0679
5939 Lincoln HWY (US 30)
Crown Point, IN 46307
Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 6:00 pm (Must be checked in by 5:30PM)
8:00 am - 2:00 pm (Must be checked in by 1:30PM)
Open 24/7
Plan Ahead for Your Visit
Save time by filling out our New Client/Patient Form and get directions to our office.