Wellness Exams
Our wellness exams include a complete, detailed history and a thorough physical exam, evaluating all aspects of your pet's health. Regular check-ups help us bond with your pet, get to know you, answer any questions you might have, and will help us detect illness and issues much sooner.

Vaccinations are vital to protecting your pet and stopping preventable, life-threatening diseases. Thanks to advancing veterinary science, we now have many vaccines available to your pets that prevent diseases that were commonly difficult to cure or fatal. At Crossroads Animal Hospital, we administer the highest quality vaccines available. Our vaccine protocols are tailored to your pet's specific needs and activities that will be discussed during the wellness visit.

Well-Pet Laboratory Screening
Physical examinations will help detect many changes with your dog or cat—but unfortunately they are limited to what's on the outside. Crossroads Animal Hospital offers numerous blood tests to assess how organs are functioning internally based on your pet's age. We also recommend yearly heartworm testing for dogs, yearly stool sample checks for intestinal parasites for dogs and cats and virus testing for new cats and at risk, outdoor cats. Together, the examination and laboratory results will help provide a more complete view of your pet's overall health.

Preventative Medication
Crossroads Animal Hospital provides the most up to date methods of preventing diseases and parasites. Heartworm prevention is available as a monthly tablet or a 6-month or 12-month injection. We also recommend heartworm prevention for at risk cats. Flea and tick prevention is also essential and is available for both dogs and cats.
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